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Laura Kellicut, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Counseling
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My name is Laura Kellicut. I live in Portage, MI with my husband and two daughters. I was a ministry wife for over 16 years. My husband has pastored multiple churches over the years, and we are excited to see what God is calling him to do in this new chapter of our life. My oldest daughter is 11 years old, shy, creative, and has a love for language. My youngest is 5 years old, intense, fearless, and very kinetic. They really couldn’t be more different! They simply adore each other, though, and we adore them.

I am a Licensed Professional Counselor and contracted with Cornerstone Counseling Center in Kalamazoo. Although I have counseled for many years, I love being a full-time assistant professor now. I have a B.S. double major in Counseling/Psychology and Biblical Theology from Great Lakes Christian College (GLCC), an M.A. in Marriage and Family Therapy from East Tennessee State University and am currently completing my dissertation for a Ph.D. in Counselor Education from Western Michigan University. I didn’t originally plan to be a counselor when finishing high school. My life goal was to do something with art, like Graphic Design, but God had other plans. After arguing with him about it for several months, he led me to GLCC and their Counseling program. I haven’t looked back since! Although art is still a hobby of mine, I absolutely love what I do as a professional. To see the way that God can bring healing and wholeness to someone never seems to get old. Now I am thrilled to help nourish the growth of the next generation of counselors.

I did not grow up in the church. My family started going when I was 8 years old and I was baptized when I was 11. Although I would say that faith has always come fairly easy for me, there have certainly been times that I argued with God, was angry with God, or failed to trust Him. Through it all, though, I can look back and see where His hand was always working in my life. He has always provided for my family when things were hard, He has given me a peace that passes all understanding when suffering has come, and His way continues to be proven as the best way if I choose to follow it.