Academic Affairs
Academic Affairs is responsible for providing vision, leadership, planning, development, direction, assessment, and administrative oversight for the faculty and all facets of the academic programs at the university.
Carol Green
Ph.D., Texas Tech University
M.A., Texas Tech University
B.A., Southwestern Oklahoma State University
Sharon Norris
Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs
Ph.D., Regent University
M.A., Spring Arbor University
B.A., Spring Arbor University
Kathryn Stolz
Executive Assistant for Academic Affairs
Jennifer Bowker
Quality Specialist for Academic Affairs
Gainey School of Business
K. Caleb Chan
Dean, School of Business
Ph.D., Georgia State University
B.A., King College
School of Communication, Media and Fine Arts
Dorie Shelby
Dean, School of Communication,
Media & Fine Arts
M.A., University of Michigan
B.A., Spring Arbor University
School of Education
Barbara Baird-Pauli
Dean, School of Education
M.S., Eastern Michigan University
B.S., University of Wisconsin Madison
School of Engineering
Ron DeLap
Dean, School of Engineering
Ph.D., University of Michigan
M.S., Michigan Technological University
B.S., Michigan Technological University
School of Humanities
Elisée Ouoba
Dean, School of Humanities
Ph.D., Wheaton College
Th.M., Bangui Evangelical School of Theology
School of Natural Sciences
Michael Nydegger
Dean, School of Natural Sciences
Ph.D., University of Iowa
M.S., University of Nebraska-Lincoln
B.S., Southwest State University
School of Nursing and Health Sciences
Alvin Kauffman
Dean, School of Nursing & Health Sciences
Ph.D., Union University
M.S.N., Madonna University
M.B.A., Madonna University
B.S., Southwestern Oklahoma State University
School of Social Sciences
Bonnie Holiday
Dean, School of Social Sciences
Ph.D., The Institution for Clinical Social Work in Chicago
M.S.W., University of Michigan
B.S., Eastern Michigan University